
Sunday, December 4, 2011

Almost 4 months old and "Yeah"


Rachel had a follow up neurology appointment this week. She now weighs 9lbs 5 oz. Her head circumference was 38.5 cm. Rachel rocked her head ultrasound- no signs or symptoms of hydrocephalus and her ventricles continue to measure like a normal non spina bifida baby. She was cleared by neurology for another 3 months. So happy to be shunt free!

Even with her preemie status she is meeting her milestones on time. She is becoming quite the talker- she frequently coos and does a very distinctive "yeah" when you talk to her. Rachel becomes very excited and smiley when her sisters and other little kids talk to her. So sweet!

During tummy time she tucks her legs under herself and moves them back and forth like she is crawling. She needs to continue working on gaining her upper body strength and then I think she may take off in time. We watched her wiggle the big toe on her right foot and the first three toes on her left foot. She does respond to stimulation of her feet and lower legs. The AFO's are still going good but I think we are close to needing new ones to fit her growing feet.