
Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Post Op Week 9 Appointment


It is hard to believe that it is already 9 weeks since we had the fetal surgery done. To be honest, I didn't think we would make it to this point. Yeah for making it to 32 weeks of pregnancy!!
Rachel had the hiccups during today's ultrasound. She usually gets the hiccups about 3 times a day. She continues to be in the same breech position and likes keeping her hands and feet by her face. She was measured to be 3 lb 10 oz today. She was doing her breathing exercises but they appeared to be much smoother and even today looking like she was breathing like someone who was already born. Both ventricles stayed stable at 4mm. My amniotic fluid dipped slightly to 10.13 but it is still within normal limits- so no worries!

We toured the NICU and L&D rooms. I love how the waiting area outside the NICU is painted and decorated. The NICU rooms are divided into pods with individual rooms for each baby. The rooms are very small- I am not sure how you would fit more than the parents and nursing staff in there. I don't think this will be a problem for us though as we prefer not to have visitors until after we are home anyways.

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