
Sunday, February 17, 2013

Nothing is Going to Slow Me Down - Oh No!

I can hear that song playing in my mind while watching Rachel. As promised I was able to catch a few pictures and videos of her standing up in her casts. This is no easy feat as she has about a 50-60 degree bend in the knees of her cast. (Forgive Rachel's bedhead)

She is trying to clap for herself at the same time as standing in this picture.
Doing some deep squats to build up her thighs.
Standing with Peanut.
Standing up with Beanie.

I really love the how Rachel's big sisters help her and cheer her on. Breanne and Alicia you are the greatest big sisters ever!

Rachel checking out the snowflakes. Reminds me of the comparison to spina bifida- like snowflakes no two spina bifida cases are alike.
Rachel says "I am not to sure about this white stuff" She does say "outside snow" when she looks out the window. Dreaming of spring when we can say "outside flowers".

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