
Monday, February 4, 2013

Post Op Appointment

Rachel's incision on her left foot - begins above her heel on the back of her leg (sorry she was too wiggly to get a picture of the back of her leg)- There is an area on the back of leg that is approximately the size of half of a dime that needs to continue to heal and fill in with healthy tissue. After the casts were off you could get a good picture of how deep the incisions had been.

                                  Rachel's stitches were removed and steri strips were placed.

Look at that positioning! While there is some post op swelling yet- I couldn't be more pleased with the positioning of Rachel's feet. Major improvement!!!!

Recasted for another two weeks. In two weeks at the cast removal appointment Hanger Prosthetics will be coming to fit Rachel for custom bracing of her orthopedic doc's choice. I am not sure what he is planning to go with. He was on vacation and we didn't get to see him today. Rachel is going to continue to be nonweight bearing on her feet until the new set of casts come off.

I also wanted to take this opportunity to thank all of the Moms and Dads in our Fetal Surgery for Spina Bifida group on Facebook. You all are the best support system a girl could ask for! Go Team Twice Born!!!
I am also interested in adding links from Rachel's blog onto others' blogs and facebook pages from families facing the challenges of spina bifida. 

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