
Monday, March 25, 2013

AFO Shorties

Rachel's physical therapist brought with a pair of AFOs for Rachel to use temporarily until hers are ready at Hanger. They fit her perfectly. No red spots with any of her skin checks. They are shorter than what Rachel's will be and mainly help support the ankles. Rachel's ankles have a tendency to like to roll in on her.
We took out the insoles out of Rachel's shoes to accommodate the AFOs. Her shoes (size 3) just fit over them width wise. Rachel still has a fair amount of toe room in the shoes. In reality her 19 month old feet are the size of a 9 month baby yet. Little feet- big heart!

I had a hard time getting a picture of them on her feet and with her shoes on. My model was very busy.

The busy model plotting. Rachel had a good therapy session. She did a lot of standing, took a few wobbly steps and attempted to cruise the couch. She was motivated by some captain crunch. I usually do not buy it due to it having more than 10 grams of sugar per serving but she really liked it.

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