
Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Making Progress

Miss Rachel has started staying upright on her knees and pushing her bunnies around the house. While she may not be on her feet while pushing them she is using the leg and hip muscles she will need for walking.
It was hard to catch her in the act. As soon as we bring out the cameras- she becomes bashful. The funny thing about Rachel doing this is- she threw a temper tantrum during therapy the previous day and refused to touch the walking toy. That night her big sister Alicia pushed it around the house on her knees and Rachel watched.
We are looking forward to picking up her AFOs next week. In the picture below you can see that even with the SMOs on- she still has problems picking up the right foot at times.
During physical therapy yesterday- Rachel took 8 steps and then 10 steps pushing her shopping cart. The shopping cart is made by Little Tykes and is very sturdy. Rachel can pull herself up on the sides without it tipping over.

 Rachel is also quite the chatterbox. She now is using several 2 and 3 word phrases and has an excellent memory.

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