
Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Finding the Right Motivator

Tonight we went to our nephew Max's double header little league game. We are proud of you Max!
Rachel spent the beginning of the first game crawling around in the grass with a football. There was a little boy who walked up to her a few times and they threw the football to each other in toddler fashion. We later learned that the little boy's name was Aiden and he turned 2 back in March. During the second game Rachel joined Aiden on the top of the bleachers. I was unsure of what she would do on the bleachers but they were built so she couldn't fall off of the top or slip underneath. Aiden must have been the right motivator for Rachel. She stood up on her own a few times and cruised along the bleachers. She bounced and got in a lot of her physical therapy moves.
These pictures were too cute not to share. If we only what they were talking about!
Rachel trying to sneak in a kiss! She really enjoyed cruising the bleachers with Aiden. Thank you to Aiden's family for letting us share pictures of their cutie!

Rachel had a renal and bladder ultrasound this morning followed by a urology appointment. Good news that her kidneys and bladder continue to appear healthy and are growing the appropriate size for her age. We are praying to stay  on the no UTIs streak that we have been on. We have been very fortunate that she has not had a UTI yet and she will be 2 years old next month. We also signed up for a study that Children's Hospital is part of to learn more about the inter-relationship of spina bifida and urological issues.They are hoping to use the data to help future patients.
I finished painting my spina bifida mug last week. My Aunt Helen had a "puffy" type ceramic paint that I used on the angel wings and spina bifida daisies.
I added 2 spina bifida daisies along with Rachel's lesion level to the empty side of the mug.
I was unable to fit Fetal Surgery at Vanderbilt with the date on the center of the mug. I opted for the yellow spina bifida awareness ribbon with FS (fetal surgery) SB (spina bifida). I can't wait to see how the mug turns out after my Aunt Helen fires it in the kiln.

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