
Monday, August 12, 2013

Happy 2nd Birthday Rachel!

I am posting a day late due to having to work yesterday. Happy Birthday Rachel! You are 2 years old and absolutely wonderful!We love you beyond measure!
 We had practiced singing Happy Birthday with Rachel for about a week prior to her birthday. She picked up on part of the song- she will sing "birthday happy" and dance. I look at her and wonder where did the time go? It seems like only a short time ago I was writing about having the fetal surgery and later a c-section to deliver her.  I made a set of her footprints to compare to the set I took in the NICU. I am working on combining them into a picture and will post it when it is finished.

Rachel had her 2 year old check up today. She weighs in at 23 lb 1 oz. She is 32.5 inches long. I forgot what her head circumference was but it is on the middle of the growth chart. Rachel was not too happy to be at the doctor's office- she frequently said "bye bye" and "all done".  Overall she is doing great health wise.
Steve and I found this tree while hiking on the Ice Age Trail near Slinger. I couldn't resist trying to capture its beauty and character. I love old trees that have branches with a lot of character and interest. I do not have a fancy camera- I actually do not have a working camera at all- all of the pictures I take are using my cell phone with different lens attachments.
I have been working on taking pictures of daisies. I think I may start a Spina Bifida daisies page on this blog.

Both of these daisies were also located on the Ice Age trail.
Not a daisy but a very playful sunflower Rachel and I found while walking to the post office this past week. I can just imagine it saying "Peek a boo"

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