
Friday, August 23, 2013

Getting Around

My favorite daisy picture taken this week.
Rachel continues to work on strengthening her legs and using her walker. She walked to the far end of our block and back with minimal assistance. She likes to walk until she gets near a tree and then she takes off crawling over to touch the tree. She usually stands up and cruises around the tree.
Last week we had an impromptu trip to Chicago. We had only about 20 minutes to get ready and I forgot to grab Rachel's AFOs and shoes. We stopped at Grandparents Park and South Park while Steve was busy. The photos are not the best but Rachel climbed the steps and went down the slide on her own several times. The girls and I stood close by in case she needed help but she did very well.
This week we stopped at Holy Hill. My mom's family use to go there yearly when she was a child. My mom hasn't been there in several years. My mom is physically unable to walk the steep hills or climb all of the stairs. We walked and climbed for her and took pictures along the way. I had Rachel in the backpack carrier. Climbing the tower with a baby in the backpack carrier was definitely interesting.
My favorite picture of the trip
A view looking down the stairs in the Tower.
The symbolism of healing- the little AFOs and shoes brought me to tears.

I created a video for my mother of Holy Hill. You can view it on YouTube at All pictures were taken on this trip with my cell phone.

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