
Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Spina Bifida Mateys

Hoot Hoot! I made Rachel a pair of owl leg warmers that fit over her twister cables. The weather has taken a turn for the cold here in Wisconsin. I actually saw snow flurries today. With the cold weather brings the problem of Rachel's little legs getting cold and the metal bars of the twister cables being cold. I am hoping to make more leg warmers for her. There is a tutorial on how to make them on the right hand side of this blog under the pages section. It is named custom fit leg warmers.If you look closely you will notice Rachel is wearing two different shoes. For a kid that has very little feeling in her feet she is very fussy about her footwear and having her toe nails painted. Yes- she can not get enough of the toe nail polish- she currently has her toe nails painted with green sparkles.
I caught a picture of Rachel doing her "bear crawl". This is how she has been crawling lately with her twister cables on. This is also the position she gets her self into prior to standing up near something.
Rachel playing with her cousin Max's trucks and Ants in the Pants.
Last week we took the girls to the mall. We maybe go 4 to 5 times a year. Rachel decided she was going to walk the mall. We didn't bring her walker with. She walked from one end of the mall to the other just holding onto to my fingers. I did not hold her up- she did all of the work. She sat down to take a couple of breaks but would absolutely not let me carry her or put her back in the stroller. I am so proud of her determination!

Below is a link to an interview another spina bifida mom Kellie did with her son Adam. He just turned 2 and is a total spina bifida rock star.

Here is Alexia with her pirate play set! This girl has the best smiles ever! I look at her and see a young Christie Brinkley super model. Another spina bifida rock star!
Pirate Ruth and her pirate "food"! Ruth also is a spina bifida rock star!
Pirate Ruth and her gang of pirate sisters!Love it!
Here is Ruth rocking out the cover of Insights into Spina Bifida magazine!

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