
Wednesday, July 16, 2014

On the Final Countdown for the Purple People Eater Casts

Tomorrow will be the day we have been counting down for since Rachel's surgery last month- the removal of her purple long leg casts. We have all gotten alittle stronger from carrying Rachel around with the added weight of the casts. We have gotten scratch marks on our arms from them, have had our toes crunched by Rachel lifting her feet up and dropping them down on our toes and I have gotten kicked in the face by them on occasion while changing Rachel. She has done really well with them with the excepetion of this past week. This week she has been caught several times trying to stand up and trying to cruise along the couch with them. 

We started letting Rachel know about a week ago regarding tomorrow's appointment. She knows the doctor is going to remove them and she will get new ones on. 

Her legs have grown so much her feet touch the ground while she is riding on her pony.
Rachel has inherited Alicia's fiesty side. She really loves pointing that finger and saying "no way!"

The little cowgirl visited Lori's farm. She wasn't as brave when the cows came closer.
Rachel held onto Alicia tightly.
Made for a second fun picture!
We took the girls on a picnic at Little Cedar Lake. The older girls got to spend sometime in the lake while Rachel played with Steve on the playground equipment.
Then the older girls invaded.
Rachel loves when Gia visits. She talks to Gia, shows Gia her toys, reads books to Gia, says "Gia what's wrong?" when Gia cries, she helps Gia with her pacifer and bottle (after sampling them herself). Gia is 3 months old and so sweet and smiley. 
Rachel swiped my Starbucks.
Pretty happy about swiping mom's drink.

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