
Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Post Op Week 2 appointment


We had our first post op appointment at the Maternal Fetal Care Center at Froedtert Hospital today. It is located on the 6th floor of Children's Hospital next to Labor and Delivery. Our appointment lasted about 2 hours- we had our weekly ultrasound, met with our nurse coordinator, and 2 other doctors that will be following our case and had our pregnancy glucose testing done. I did sign up for their Moms program which allows a medical student to come with you to all of your appointments and follows your case as an extra support person. (Both my husband and I are pro-learning and think this is a great opportunity for the medical student). They were also interested in scheduling our c-section at 37 weeks which would be around Sept. 7-10th if we are able to make it that long. We are 25 wks 3 days.

Rachel's ventricles continue to measure normal with no signs of hydrocephalus. She now weighs
1 lb 12 oz. We were able to get some nice images of her back this time also which shows the closure that was done. Her heartbeat remains in the 130's. My amniotic fluid levels were good with no signs of leakage, or any signs of separation of membranes or placenta.

My glucose testing just came back on the borderline of the high side - which means I need to have another test done to rule out the possibility of gestational diabetes. Geez - what's next?

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