
Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Post Op Week 3 Appointment


Our post op week 3 appointment went well today. No changes from last week. Rachel's ventricles continue to measure normal with no signs of hydrocephalus. She was doing her "breathing exercises". We were able to get a nice view of the repair done on her spine. We also got our first full view of her face - she was smiling and has chubby cheeks. Ahhhh - so sweet- I needed that view of her. She was positioned on her knees and bouncing her butt up and down at times. My amniotic fluid levels continue to be good and no signs of membranes or placenta separating. We have scheduled our C-section for September 13th at 10 a.m. if all continues to go as planned.

I had my second glucose testing done last week Thursday. It was the 3 hour test. I had the orange flavored drink- tasted like an overly sweet melted orange popsicle. I did have the side effects of a headache and nausea from the drink. It amazes how much blood they took at each interval just for testing your blood sugar levels. All of my levels were good and well under the cut off marks each time. No gestational diabetes for me!!!! Yeah!! I was worried about that one since my maternal grandmother had developed type II diabetes as an adult and my dad has been borderline on his A1C testing for a long time now.

We took the girls with us to our appointment. They were very good and enjoy looking at the ultrasound images. Alicia puked on the way home from the appointment - thank God I had my latest knitting project with and was able to give her the bag to puke in.

At next week's appointment we will be meeting with someone from the spina bifida clinic at Children's Hospital.

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