
Saturday, June 11, 2011

Surgery Recovery part 2


Today's recovery is starting out better than yesterday. The lower dose of percocet seems to be working out better for me. I was able to take a longer walk with my nurse past the nursery. It was nice to see the babies in there and remind myself that Rachel will be here by the end of summer. I forgot how small babies were since my girls are so big now. I took a shower today and am going to take another walk with Steve soon. The labor and delivery nurses here have all commented that they are having a baby boom right now with all the deliveries that have been occurring this week. It is nice that the nurse's work 12 hour shifts and you have the same one during that time. I do have to say all of the nurses I have had have been giving excellent nursing care. I like that we set daily goals and work towards those goals.

My room is located on the 4th floor near the helicopter pads. There are 3 helicopter pads (maybe 4) and they are constantly bringing patients in- day and night. Last night was very busy- Vanderbilt is a trauma center. They have 2 music festivals going on this weekend which means an increase in patients in the ER and other areas.

We will be doing an ultrasound of Rachel later this afternoon. I will try to update those results. She has been moving around and keeping her heartrate in the upper 130's. We are in the time period when it is expected to have low amnioic fluid so we will see. On her ultrasound on Tuesday you could see her swallowing fluid. We are also in the time period that the baby goes through their own spinal shock from being operated on and may have problems with their bladders emptying. We are 24 weeks today and praying that all continues to go well.

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