
Saturday, June 11, 2011

Ultrasound Post Op Day 4


Our ultrasound went well today. Rachel was moving all of her extremities and had the hiccups. She had fluid in her bladder and was doing her "practice breathing exercises". My amniotic fluid volume was good and had increased from Wednesday's ultrasound. There were no signs of leaking fluids, separation of membranes or separation of the placenta.

We are going to try a prescription cream on my rash from the OR prep and drape. It is starting to get itchy in areas. (Mom- if you are reading this did you have reactions from the preps used on you during your different surgeries?)

My staples are dry and intact. I have one distal staple that is gets irritated at times with movement. I think the staples come out sometime next week.

Overall, today was a much better day. I am happy with my recovery process for today and am hopeful for tomorrow. We did talk with Dr. Carrol regarding restrictions for when I go home. I will be on bedrest and able to get up for about 15 minutes each hour. No lifting more than 5 lbs-no lifting grocery bags, no picking up stuff from the floor- very limited smart activities. We want to get past 28 weeks of pregnancy if possible and hopefully get to to 34-37 weeks. Steve and I adore Dr. Carrol and wish we could take her with us. She is very good at explaining what is going on and what to expect.

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