
Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Post Op Week 6 Appointment


Today we had our post op week 6 appointment. Rachel now has hair that you can see (if only I could tell if she was going to be a redhead like me or a blonde like her oldest sister or have brown hair like her daddy and other sister) She was opening and closing one of her eyes like she was winking at you and she was continuously moving her mouth like she was telling us something. Perhaps a good joke to go with the winking?She continued to be working on her "practice breathing" exercises. Her left ventricle decreased again to 4mm and her right ventricle stayed at 5mm. She is still in breech position with her ankles crossed- perfect for kicking my poor bladder. My fluid levels continue to be good and no signs of membrane or placental separation. We have about 8 more weeks of bedrest left. It is getting harder to get much sleep during the night- I have been having a lot of hip and knee joint pain due to pregnancy hormones and having ligament stretching pains in my sides. I can maybe tolerate laying for 30 minutes at a time before I have to reposition from the pain. Makes for a long night!

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