
Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Post Op Week 7 Appointment


We had our post op week 7 appointment today. We made our 30 week goal this past Saturday. The next goal is for 32 weeks. Rachel was sleeping during this ultrasound but as soon as we rolled out of the hospital- she was active and moving around. She was doing her practice breathing exercises and had emptied her bladder for us. Her left ventricle measured at 4mm and her right ventricle was too small to measure today. She is doing great! During last week's ultrasound and again today our ultrasound tech noted artifacts at the skin level of Rachel's repair site. We believe that they are sutures from the surgery. I also have 2 sutures that have poked out of my incision- like mother like daughter. There is nothing to be done with the sutures at this point - they will be taken care of after delivery if they have not full dissolved by then. My amniotic fluid volume had increased to alittle over 15 and again there were no signs of separation of membranes or placental separation.

We had met with the pediatric neurosurgeon last week and today we had met with the lactation consultant. In two weeks we will get tours of the NICU, L&D - OR suite for the C-section and mom/baby floor. It is exciting to think we have only 7 more weeks to go but at the same time reality has set in that we are not completely prepared for Rachel. At this point I only have a few outfits for her, 2 bottles, 2 nukes, 2 blankets and a diaper bag. We will be blessed to be able to use a crib and changing table from other family members. I had purposely avoided buying baby items at the beginning of this pregnancy since I was always worried about a miscarriage occurring. In a way though, I am glad we waited to buy items since I now know we need to buy latex free items for her.

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