
Tuesday, August 16, 2011

5 Days Old


Rachel had her NG tube placed back in early this morning. She is able to coordinate her feeding skills but is still falling asleep shortly after she begins to feed. The nurses let her feed as much as she can and then the rest is given to her via her NG tube. They added a calorie supplement to the breast milk I am providing for her.

I was able to help give her a bath today. She did not like the bath but loved getting her hair washed. She rolled over twice on her own during the bath. I was able to dress her today too. She had her billirubin light turned off today- she will get rechecked in the morning and may possibly need it for another day. She will be fitted with a special harness/brace this week for the hip dysplasia and they may start casting her club feet next week.

Tomorrow Steve and I will be spending most of the day with her at the hospital. We are also taking an infant CPR class tomorrow. (too bad it wasn't my health care provider renewal- mine is due at the end of next month) The girls have been reading books to Rachel when we visit- it is fun to see her turn her head towards them like she is listening. She seems to respond a lot to Breanne's voice but Breanne did talk to her daily while I was pregnant.

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