
Saturday, August 20, 2011

1 Week Old


This week has gone by in a blur. We have been trying to balance home life with life in the NICU. Sometimes there are just not enough hours in the day to get it all done. Breanne and Alicia have been such good girls and helpers- we are very proud of them. They both have held Rachel twice and neither wants to give up holding her. It is fun to see how they all interact together -even at Rachel's young age you can tell she recognizes the girls' voices.

Rachel is doing great. The only thing holding her in the NICU is the need to feed more and gain more weight. She had gained back an ounce since she had the NG tube replaced. She likes to pull it out when the nurses are not looking- little stinker. She is doing everything appropriately for a preemie her age. She had another head ultrasound on Wednesday and everything has stayed the same- no increase in her ventricles. Her neurosurgeon is happy with her progress.

Her physical therapist showed Steve and I some gentle stretches we can do with her legs and feet. We are happy to report that she does have movement in her ankles and we saw her move one of her big toes. She loves to have the bottom of her feet stroked- it seems to calm and relax her. Orthopedics will be placing her in her harness brace on Monday for the hip dysplasia. We have see more leg movements with her as the week has gone on.

I gave her another bath today. She didn't like too much and let us all know. She did enjoy her hair washing again. I like when her hair dries and it sticks up all over the place. It took me almost a half hour to get her dressed after her bath. I think I am out of practice but that will change.

Please say prayers for the baby boy and his family across from us in the NICU. May God place his hand upon Cole and help heal his little body.

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