
Thursday, August 25, 2011

Possible weekend discharge


Rachel is up to taking 90% of her feedings by mouth. She needs to be at 100% for a couple of days and then we can talk about coming home. Her doctors felt it maybe this weekend and some of the nurses are guessing next week. Either way- it is good to have some light at the end of the NICU tunnel. She had another head ultrasound yesterday and again there was no increase in her ventricles (she is still measuring like a normal baby would). She had her special harness placed on Monday for the hip dysplasia. She slept through the placement and doesn't seem to mind wearing it all. I will try to post a picture of her in it soon for other parents who may need the same harness. I like to call it her "German tourist outfit" (sorry I have watched Duece Biggalo one too many times). Her bottom is looking less red and her stool is starting to be slightly more formed. All in all she is doing great for a preemie.

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