
Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Picking Up

Rachel has been progressing well this week with her walker. She asks daily to use it- especially outside. We have been playing a game (aka physical therapy) by throwing balls or her ducks while she is walking and stopping to pick up the ball or duck. This is a really good core strength training and learning to balance activity.

Looking sturdy while stopping for a drink.
Stopping to reach for her cup

On Sunday we attended Steve's graduation ceremony. We are so proud of all he has accomplished. I can not imagine how challenging it must have been at times to keep steady and stay the course during everything our family has gone through from fetal surgery until today. Definite proof of a dad's love for his family.
Rachel lasted about 10 minutes into the graduation ceremony before we joined the group of restless babies and toddlers in the lobby of the Mecca center. We were able to sneak back in to see Steve receive his diploma. The older girls liked to tease him about his Bachelor's hood and say he looked like a character out of a Harry Potter story.
Rachel enjoyed watching the cars driving by during the ceremony. 
Rachel chasing Alicia.

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