
Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Retro Reels Found

I finally figured out how to upload the movies we made a year ago using the 8mm film app. The one below is from 1 year ago about 1 week from our fetal surgery "first birth" anniversary.Rachel was about 9 months old in the video.
The next video is exactly 1 year from the video above. What a difference a year makes! I am so proud of all of the hard work Rachel has done.

Happy Memorial Day (a few days late) to all of the service men and women past and present. Thank you for your service!
Miss Rachel awaiting the start of the Memorial Day Parade. It was about 60 degrees outside and drizzling for the parade. She liked the marching bands.
Paying our respects at the War Memorial in our town.

Rachel has been spending more time outside. Her collection of "must haves" for outside has grown and her walker probably weighs more than she does. LOL!
Thank you Grandma for the dancing and singing flower bubble blower! Rachel loves it!
Taking a break to watch the garbage trucks drive by.
Rachel is trying to figure out how to walk and talk on her phone at the same time. Looks so cute! She likes to ask for Grandma while she is on the phone.
Playing in the water at the beach on Little Cedar Lake after a family picnic. Rachel was a huge fan of this. Steve fished with the older girls while Rachel and I took pictures and played in the sand and water. Alicia caught her first fish of the season.
Rachel practicing with her fishing pole. (We did not put anything on her line yet- avoiding injuries and getting her use to holding a pole) I think it is very sweet that my dad made sure all 3 of his granddaughters had fishing poles at their births. One day Papa is going to have some fishing pals.

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