
Friday, February 20, 2015

Late Fall and Early Winter Catch Up

Realizing that I am writing this in late February- I will mainly post some cute pictures and short comments.
One of Rachel's Fall goals is to be able to stand in place for longer periods of time. She has a tendency to need to take a few steps forwards or backwards to keep her balance. In the picture her goal was to stay in the hula hoop while popping bubbles with her racket.
Rachel loves riding this tricycle while she is at physical therapy. I am on the look out for one just like this that the seat sits higher. We are planning on donating her pink radio flyer tricycle as she has outgrown it. The other cool thing to note in this picture is we had officially donated all of Rachel's walkers this past fall.
Rachel rolling the barrel up the ramp- great strength training!
She couldn"t resist climbing in the barrel by herself.
I love this picture! Walking the dog is one of those blessings that can be overlooked by someone who has always had the physical ability to do so. This is one of Rachel's Take That Spina Bifida pictures. Rachel age 3 with Spina Bifida starting at L4 walking her dog Pepper with only the aid of AFOs.
Baby Gia taking a nap. As Rachel says "that's my girl- that's my baby Gia"
Rachel, Breanne and Alicia walking together at the Festival of Lights.
Rachel and I enjoying the lights.
Back view of Rachel's ankles and feet without her AFOs on at Shriner's Hospital Chicago. This picture was taken in December and her surgery was done in June. Still looking great!
As Rachel says "I am cute"
Alicia and her Christmas present- her first electric guitar.
Rachel and Alicia
Steve and I (aka Dad and Mom)
Another Take That Spina Bifida picture- yes that would be Miss Rachel climbing on top of the picnic table just like any other 3 yr old.
And there she is walking across without any fear of falling off.
She was however, leary of the man that kindly took our picture as a family.
The best older sisters ever!
Rachel and Daddy!
I wonder what Pepper would think if I turned the treadmill on?
Working those legs by standing on an incline.
Strength training on the Bosu
Coolest giraffe ever! This giraffe was made by my Aunt Helen. She made an armature, then covered the armature in casting material and painted the giraffe. Amazing talent!
Tough girl Rachel!
Make up Artist Rachel!(I am thinking she probably shouldn't quit her day job yet)
Winter has not been too exciting- everyone is doing well and Rachel is still our sunshine! Pepper is still a chewer. I will try to add some other videos and pictures from her physical therapy sessions soon.

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