
Saturday, February 21, 2015

Skater Girl Fun

Last night we went rollerskating as a family. It was Rachel's first time at a skating rink. Needless to say, she loved it!
Due to her toddler sized feet- (yes at age 3 1/2 she could still fit into a toddler size 7 or 8 without her AFOs on) she was supplied with Fischer Price adjustable skates by the skating rink. She appeared to be the youngest skater out there last night.
Getting some skating lessons from daddy- thankfully he is pretty good at skating backwards.
The skating rink also had small semi-walkers made from PVC for new skaters to use. I think this would be an easy Grandpa Bill project. It was very difficult to get her to use it though- she refuses to use any type of mobility device. I think this refusal is what helped motivate her initially become an independent walker- no walkers, no quad canes and no forearm crutches for this tough girl. 
Susie her physical therapist would be proud- although she may have fallen at times- Rachel never stopped trying - did not cry once and figured out how to get herself back up on her own with rollerskates on.

1 comment:

  1. You have a beautiful family. Looks like Rachel is one happy kid. :)
